The dependability deficiencies and bandwidth constraints of the controller area network (CAN) can prevent its use in\r\nsafety-relevant and performance-demanding applications. This paper introduces mechanisms for fault detection and\r\nfault isolation based on an intelligent CAN router, which exploits a priori knowledge about the permitted behavior of\r\nattached electronic control units (ECUs) in order to detect and contain failures. Experiments using an FPGA-based\r\nimplementation of the CAN router evaluate these mechanisms under different failure modes (e.g., timing failures,\r\nmasquerading failures). Due to its compatibility to the CAN standard, the router can improve the dependability and\r\nperformance of systems with existing ECUs. In addition, we extend the application areas of CAN to systems with\r\nhigher performance and dependability requirements than can be supported with a conventional bus-based network